Sunday, October 12, 2008

The "Get Motivated" Seminar

On Monday, September 22, 2008, (the first day of autumn), it was a privilege to attend the "GET MOTIVATED!" seminar at the new BOK Center in downtown Tulsa. There were 3 speakers who had already given their presentations before 9:30 a.m., so they hit the ground running! The most influential speakers were not all famous, but they all gave excellent demonstrations of their knowledge and beliefs. The ones who were the most well-known included retired General Colin Powell (who spoke in the morning), and then for the afternoon, included the motivational speaker Zig Ziglar, the minister Dr. Robert Schuller, the football star Joe Montana, and for the last speaker of the afternoon,the former mayor of New York City, Rudy Guilliani.

This seminar was one of the best events I have attended in all my years of living in northeastern Oklahoma. When I left that day walking along the streets of downtown Tulsa among groups of other pedestrians, I did leave the event with thoughts of what my hopes and plans were in the future, and Yes! a spring in my step, and a feeling of motivation! Add to that the fact that the BOK Center is fabulous, and can hold a huge number of people all in one colliseum. The rumors floated that this one event was attended by approximately 18,000 people. The seats were full in all 3 balconies of the stadium.

Several of the speakers made it clear during their presentations that even though the economy has gone sour at this time and times are hard, we should look for the positives in life, and find ways to use this downturn to our advantage in some way, which will be a win-win situation for everyone we are dealing at this point in our lives. America is still a great country in which to live, and there is still a lot of opportunity out there.

It was a wonderful event, and for any of you who might wish to attend this event in the future in your area, you may go to the web site of "" and find out more information regarding where the next "Get Motivated!" seminar is to be held. It can help change a life, make a person stop and think about exactly what their dreams, hopes and plans are, what one is planning to accomplish, and how to do so in the future.

At the present time, I am working my way through the recent book by Wayne Dwyer, CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS, CHANGE YOUR LIFE (Living the Wisdom of the Tao). This is based on the moral and spiritual guidance from the thoughts of Lao-tzu in ancient China 500 years before the birth of Christ. For any information on Dr. Dwyer's teachings, his web site is at

The latest WRITERS DIGEST magazine, December 2008 edition, contains an article, "E-Books Rise Again" and discusses the future potential of digital books (E-Books) which are once again on the upswing. For any of those readers who are interested in publishing a book, and do not think they will break into the publishing industry very easily, consider an E-Book as a possible method. My opportunity came when the Tulsa World newspaper ran a story about Ebookomatic and I proceeded to, and was able to find an answer to my dilemma. There are other E-Book companies that will also help you with your project of becoming published. So do not limit yourself or become discouraged due to the fact that you have not been discovered by a huge publishing company or an editor or agent just yet.

Once again, thank you for those friends who read this blog. May you have health, wealth, and the time to enjoy it.


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