Friday, February 11, 2011

Egyptian President Mubarak Resigns Today

Today, Egypt starts a new chapter. Whether it turns out to be hopeful and creative, or whether it turns out to be an even worse regime than the one they have had before, remains to be seen. According to the statistics, over 12,000 young Egyptian men have committed suicide over the last four years, due to poverty, unemployment, not being able to get an apartment, and not being able to even dream of getting married or having a family.

The Egyptians have been living in abject poverty for so long, that many of the people in the USA have had no idea how bad it really was. Many of their citizens are living in poverty. Even the ones who are considered to be well off, have still had to live under the injustice and the unfairness of the Muslim ideas, regarding civil rights.

The Christians and Jews are discriminated against over there in ways that would be a nightmare here in America. In this nation, when these different Middle Eastern nationalities come to our countries, they are afforded all the rights of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion HERE, which we would immediately be denied to have the right to, if we were in THEIR countries. To use the word "double standard" is a gross under-exaggeration of how bad it really is.

They come to this country and teach religious fanaticism with their fellow believers, even while they enjoy all the blessings and the advantages and the freedom that we have to offer in our free nation.

So I am truly hoping for a better life for the people in Egypt, but there is the realization that if the religious fanatics of the Muslim religion start to take over, all bets are off. Thus far, none of the Muslim nations have really been able to develop a good government for the peoples in their parts of the world. They criticize the USA and throw stones at the Israelis every chance they get, but I have noticed that they do not have any solution to the world's problems.

When it comes to that old theory, "Be part of the solution, not part of the problem" -- I have noticed that many of the Muslims are "part of the problem." I do not want to discriminate against anyone, and do not want to condemn people. God loves all of us.

However, this is something that the Muslim faith does not understand. Their idea of "Allah" flies in the face of the Good and Loving God that I have been taught to believe in, even when nobody else ever really liked me! On my worst day, when I knew nobody else in the world was ever going to be on my side, I still always knew that God loved me. (Me -- a female.) In the Muslim world, this is unheard of!

This is why I am beginning to detest their religious fanatical beliefs, their suicide bombers (who are really mass murderers) and their discrimination against women, whom they always blame for everything, because they are not man enough to admit that their own form of government and their form of religion does not work. So they have to resort to terrorism, because they lack any form of creativity.

All "destroyers" will have to stand before God in the Great White Throne Judgment, one step away from going into the Lake of Fire. So their ideas of "going to heaven" and having "70 virgins" is a fantasy that will never be realized.

In the meantime, let's just hope for the best, for Egypt, because they are going to need it. And let's stand behind Israel, which is the only DEMOCRACY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, surrounded by a bunch of low-life Middle Eastern countries that simply want to destroy them, if they get the chance to do it. May God Help Us ALL.


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