Controversial Bible Prophecies
First of all, 2012 is NOT going to be the end of the world. It may be the beginning of a New Age of some kind on this planet, but the people who forecast the "end of the world" are mistaken, and this false belief could be to the detriment of everybody on this planet. It is my firm belief that any religious person from any of the fundamentalist religions, no matter which religion this is, can be an extremely dangerous individual, simply because they are looking forward to what they call the "end of the world."
Let's do a little homework here. In Zephaniah 1:14-15 (KJV) the Bible states: "The great day of the Lord is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the Lord; the mighty man shall cry there bitterly. That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness." Just blow the dust off your own Bible, and read the rest of it.
Also in Amos 5:18, the Bible states: "Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord! To what end is it for you? The day of the Lord is darkness, and not light." So as one can plainly see, even the Prophets of Old describe this as not being a good day to look forward to. Therefore, a person could look forward to many things in life, going on a cruise or some other nice vacation, the birth of a child or grandchild, a family reunion, or snow-skiing trip in the winter, or any number of events, but the Day of the Lord is not something that a person in his right mind would want to look forward to.
As for the Antichrist, there is not going to be any one human being who personifies the Antichrist. There is the "spirit of Antichrist" which is all over the world, in many forms, in many people, but there will not be one person who totally personifies the "Antichrist." As for people who believe that this entity will come out of the Muslim countries, this is a falsehood. According to the Bible, the person who stands up in the Holy Place and says "I am God" will be attempting to take the place of God on earth. This would not be a Muslim, because they believe in only One God, and it would be blasphemy to say, "I am God," for a true Muslim. It is against their religion.
The word "rapture" is never used in the original King James Version of the Bible, and is a myth. No one is going to be swept away into a place of special privilege while everybody else on earth goes through Tribulation. We are all going to go through Tribulation together! There is no way out, short of death.
The good news is that there will be the situation where the destroyers will be judged in the Great White Throne Judgment. Destruction is not the way of God, and everyone who has taken this approach will stand before God in bitter and devastating judgment, in great danger of their end being in the Lake of Fire.
There will be a 1000-year reign on earth, after the Second Coming, during which this world will be made into the paradise it should have been, all along. So rather than the end of the world, it will be a paradise on earth with the Throne of God finally being set up on this planet. These are all events to look forward to in the future.
As everyone well knows, ever since the crucifixion of Christ, every generation since then has always looked forward to the return of Christ, and every generation has died without their wish being fulfilled, but this has been the faith of the Christian religion.
Nevertheless, there are more and more signs which show that there may be a time when we really do see the events take place described in Bible prophecy, regarding the so-called "last days." And the "end" will turn out to be the "beginning." This world will have to be cleaned up, made into a paradise, and all the ways that we have evolved will be used to make this world a better place to live. All the technological advances we have developed will be used to further the Kingdom of God.
We will then be able to live 1000 years in peace and safety on this planet, before being allowed to venture out through other parts of the universe, without destruction following in our path.