Sunday, May 13, 2012

Prayers For Persecuted Christians and Jews

At this time, my thoughts are with those true believers, the Christians and the Jewish people worldwide who are being persecuted in many Muslim countries due to their belief in the God of LIFE.  May the Eternal Creator God of the Universe help you have the supernatural strength and fortitude, to keep surviving under the most heinous of persecutions ever seen in the modern world.  We all do realize that at the Great White Throne Judgment, your persecutors and torturers will stand before God and answer for what they have done, but this does not make it any easier to go through what you yourselves are having to endure.

Here in America, we seem to take all of our freedom of religion for granted, to the point where we do not seem to remember what God has taught us, while the ones like YOU are being persecuted so evilly and cruelly, by the true face of evil, inspired by Satan the Devil himself, as some of the most demon-possessed people in the world.  It is extremely unfair, but my thoughts are with you, whoever you may be.  I pray for you.  May the God of All Twelves Tribes of ISRAEL bless you and keep you. 


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