Saturday, February 12, 2011

Profile of the Jewish Ideology

Why do I favor the Jewish people? Growing up, I had a mother who criticized and condemned the Jews as dirty and dishonest people, even as she committed horrible welfare fraud, and cursed and screamed and beat us children. (We were cursed by her, going back to the time when we were very young little toddlers.) She would accuse the Jews as being "dirty," while hundreds of cockroaches were crawling up and down the wall just behind her head, beside the door leading into the kitchen of our delapidated and filthy four-room shack where we lived in Hendrix, Oklahoma during the 1960s. I had already learned how much she lied on people, starting with condemning her own children, and then working outwards to anyone else who crossed her path. So when she started on the Jews, I told her off. By the time I got through with my own statement, she got up and gave me a whipping with a belt, but I did not even care. I had already said what I believed, and the whipping from her did not change my mind.

It was 1969 at that time, and I had been reading THE PLAIN TRUTH magazine by an organization in Pasadena, California, which explained the situation the Jewish people are in, especially in the small, brave little nation of Israel, which is surrounded by the Arabic nations that are so jealous and hate-filled, that they simply want to destroy the only Democracy in the Middle East. The hatred and the jealousy and the filthy-minded accusations against the Jews from the other Middle Eastern nations simply reminds me of the poisonous and nasty, foul-mouthed, hate-filled attitude that my own mother had against ME from as far back as I could remember.

My mother did not have any creativity or any positive plan in her mind, except to cause my downfall and death. In the same way, the Middle Eastern nations do not have any better ideas on how to create a good government, and lead their people in the right direction, so they simply place all their blame and accusations of evil onto the beautiful little nation of Israel. That is absolutely pure jealousy and hatred at the foundation of everything they do and say, in regards to Jewish people. They are so hate-filled and so angry, just foaming at the mouth like a dog that has rabies, in their wretched attitude towards the Jews who live in any nation.

They will use the nation of Israel as the beginning, as the scapegoat for their first assault, before they finally begin their attack on the United States, in full force. As people do realize, they refer to Israel as "The Little Satan," and the USA as "The Great Satan." After all, they have to blame all their problems on someone! The men in their countries always start with blaming everything on their women, and then branch out from there. It can never be their own fault, for the predicaments they are in. They can never admit that their own form of government is not working for their own people. So they have to blame the ones whom they see are actually being successful in the forms of government that really work. They rape their maids, kill their wives, discriminate against their own young men who are unemployed, and have such a double standard in their nations, in so many different ways, that it is impossible for us to comprehend, here in America.

Here in this country, I have been the victim of a double standard and of dishonesty and unrighteous judgment, but I have been able to move forward in my own life, by avoiding the people who are against me, and by continuing to work, and by staying focused on my own goals in life. This is something that required the first 40 years of my life, to learn. Now, at the age of 54, I have more wisdom to work with, than the younger generation of young women have, and so continue to move forward with my goals in life. However, in the Middle Eastern nations, none of this would have ever been possible. The condemnation would have been carried out by the double-standard hypocrites who live in THEIR countries; whereas, here in America, I just walk on by, and continue on my path for the goals that have been set for me, in my own mind.

As far as the Jewish tradition goes, they have the basis of The Ten Commandments. Then the British Common Law used those Ten Commandments as the foundation of their own legal system, which then also became the foundation for the laws here in the USA.

It was a fair system, developed and instituted in order to bring about a decent civilization for people who could live together in peace, and have the kind of government and life for the people which God had in mind, until He can finally set up the true Kingdom of God on this planet. There has been no other system of government set up, in the history of human civilization on this planet, which has worked as successfully as the governments which have based their laws on The Ten Commandments.

The Jewish legacy goes back for thousands of years, and even Jesus Christ himself was a Jew, and many of his followers were Jewish people, who then became "Jewish Christians" after his death and resurrection. The original disciples of Christ, who were Jewish Christians, kept all the major Jewish Holy Days, including Passover, and they did observe the Seventh Day Sabbath. Jesus Christ had brothers and sisters, who had children, so there is no doubt that there are descendants of the family of his earthly father Joseph and his mother Mary, who are now alive in this world today.

There has also been proven to be Jewish DNA in the African American people who are here in America, so they are not left out.

From the time that our ancestors first left Egypt, getting out of slavery, we left with a "mixed multitude," so there was intermarriage and an intermingling of the culture, with the peoples we had dealings with, during the time that we were slaves in Egypt.

The remainder of many of the Americans, as well as the people in Canada and Australia, and Britain, actually have descended from the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, who moved North and WEST throughout Europe, eventually settling in Western Europe, the British Isles, and then traveling to the United States, and Canada, and to Australia. We are saved by RACE, not just by GRACE. Also many of the European royal families are of Jewish ancestry, but this is something that is not discussed in polite society.

The point is, we are all in this together. Like a stack of dominoes, when one starts to fall, we are all going to fall. This is true what they say, "It is all inter-related." And this is why I do defend the Jewish people, because they are people just like us. They are not "monkeys" or some inferior race. No one is. All the humans on this planet are human beings. God created all of us, all races, all nationalities, to help to fulfill the true will of God, and if we do not do that, we have just wasted our trip, here on this planet.

So to quote a sentence from the book in the Bible about the Queen of Persia, Esther, who helped to save the Jewish people a few thousand years ago: "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" -- Esther 4:14, NIV.

I simply urge anyone reading to look at the "Big Picture." There was so much complacency and compromise going on, in the days just before Adolf Hilter came into power. Hindsight is 20/20, and it is easy to play Monday Morning Quarterback, but the people in this world need to start using their wisdom and insight, to be able to detect the evil that is building up in this world today, before it takes place. The Middle Eastern nations are NOT RIGHT in their hatred of the Jews and the Christians.

Begin by paying attention the international geopolitics, and please do not get all your information from the bleeding heart liberals who own the major news broadcasting networks. Use your head! Get on the Internet, and study for yourself, to find out what is going on in this world today. Pay attention to Europe, to the Middle East, to Japan, China, and Russia. Stay up to date on the financial markets, even those of other nations.

There is a prediction from years ago from Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong that there is going to be a financial collapse of all the industrialized nations, all over the world, at some point in the future, and that those nations who rise out of the ashes of that economic disaster are going to be the leaders in the future. Do not let this occur, while you blindly go about your own life, as if you had no idea. Start paying attention! Get your heads out of the sand, and off some of the silly ideas that you have had about the past, and start looking toward the FUTURE. Do it now.


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