Three Main Religions in Jerusalem
Everyone no doubt understands there are three predominant religions in the city of Jerusalem. Judaism, which began and dates back to the days of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; then Christianity which dates back to the time when Jesus Christ walked and taught on this earth; and then Islam, which began with Muhammad and all of his followers, many of whom are actually the descendants of the particular son of Abraham named Ishmael, the son of Hagar the concubine. Ishmael did go on to have 12 sons, and these were the beginnings of tribes of people who now make up much of the modern world today that follows Islam.
One time in college, years ago, I knew a young man as a friend only, who came from one of the Middle Eastern countries. I told him the story of Ruth in the Bible, and also the story of Esther, and used those two examples to explain his own heritage, because these were two stories in the Old Testament relating to WOMEN who were heroes. He wanted to propose marriage right away, because he said I was the first young woman of our age group that he had met in the United States, who understood his ethnic background, and the history of some of his ancestors. Well, if I had been wanting to marry anybody at that time, it would have been a different story, but it was surprising that no other young women of our age had studied their Bibles enough to know the identities of certain key nations mentioned in Bible history or prophecy. I was by no means an absolute genius in anything, and had to study very diligently to learn anything knew, so this was why I kept my nose in a book all the time, and it worked for me! Over the years, it has become rather amazing that no particular church organization, no single church congregation, no denomination, and no minister has all the answers to everything. So this is why God gave us a mind to use, so that we can discern for ourselves. All I do know is that I follow certain ministers, and then study on my own. I listen to Joel O'Steen, and also to the ministry of the organization of the late Mr. Garner Ted Armstrong.
However, the very bottom line is that our core belief, as anyone who believes the Christian beliefs, must return at some point to our foundation, which would be based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. We can talk all day about the Jews, or the Muslims, and what they believe (or don't believe), but at the end of the day, we must return to what we know and have been taught. So it turns out that Jesus Christ is really our Savior, whether this be in a life where we live right up to the end of a very ripe old age, or if we die during a bitter war, or as a prisoner taken captive by the enemy, or if we die of a disease that we could not find a cure for, or in a horrific accident. As a matter of fact, Christ said he would be with us to the very end, no matter what the circumstances might be.
For example, it is clear that down through the centuries, all Christians have always believed that Christ would return during THEIR lifetime, and this faith has kept all Christians going for the last 2000 years! Even though the second coming has not occurred yet, it has occurred in the hearts of many of God's people. Not only that, but when discussing the resurrection, I do believe that God will know how to resurrect my body for the Great White Throne Judgment, even if my body has been cremated, or even if I were thrown into the bottom of the ocean and eaten by the sharks. God will make a way. He always does.
So for those who are doubtful, spiteful, unbelieving, and skeptical, this is all just a bunch of malarkey, but for those of us who truly do believe, nothing is completely impossible. There are so many people who would immediately relate to Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, the Great Pumpkin, the Fairy Godmother, and to the Good Witch Wanda, and to many other "myths" that we are taught growing up, who would then turn right back around and be skeptical when it comes to God Himself. God was the originator of "White Magic," and I believe he is able to perform miracles. So as life goes on, and the world continues to change, Keep the Faith! Life is going to be a challenge, as we go into the future, and we need to strengthen ourselves spiritually, for what lies up ahead.