Middle East Double Standard
In the Thursday edition of the Tulsa World newspaper for December 23, 2010, page A6, there appeared an article regarding the Saudi King Abdullah who has undergone two back surgeries successfully at New York Presbyterian Hospital and will stay in New York to complete his physical therapy. The king is 86 years of age, and has obviously come to America for his medical care.
In a book written by an Egyptian lady, Nonie Darwish, "NOW THEY CALL ME INFIDEL," she also describes how two of her close Egyptian relatives became ill enough to die. Given the choice of either going to a hospital in Cairo, Egypt, where they would surely die, or going into an excellent hospital in Israel, where their lives would be saved, the choice was obvious -- Go to the hospital in Israel. At that point, the Israeli medical personnel gave these Egyptian citizens the best of care, and they survived, and returned to Egypt. Even though they were related to her father, who had been a very high-ranking Egyptian military officer, they were given the full medical treatment needed to save their lives.
The fact that the Christians and Jews give the best medical care, even to our enemies, speaks volumes about what we believe in, when it comes to practicing our faith.
Due to the fact that I do work in the medical field as a trained Medical Transcriptionist and take my job very seriously, it is a daily challenge to keep up with new medical words, procedures, and new drugs, but I also realize that the Western medical personnel are lightyears ahead of others in many ways, when it comes to our health care beliefs. The system I work for believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ, in regards to healing and believing for a positive outcome, if at all possible, up to the bitter end.
Sometimes I do joke and act irreverent, but when push comes to shove, I take this work very seriously. I believe in miracles. I believe in saving someone's life, if at all possible. Because once our life here in this particular trip is over with, we have nothing to face but the Judgment. I believe in an old beer commercial, which stated, "You only go around once in life, so go for all the gusto you can," or something to that effect. There is obviously going to be another life in the Kingdom of God for "some people," but it is very important to stretch this life out as long as we can, in this particular life that we have now. Everything in that "next life" depends on what we do in this one.
This brings us to the idea: Where would we be without the teachings of Jesus Christ? The fact is that as bad as the state of the world is in today, it would be so much worse, if it had not been for Jesus Christ and his appearance on this earth, to teach people the good and right way to carry out the will of God.
Everything good that has happened on this planet has been because of the teachings of Christ, sometimes in a roundabout way, and the belief that someday we will be able to live in a Paradise, therefore setting up the belief that we also need to make the demonstration of a Paradise at this time, if at all possible.
Growing up originally as a Southern Baptist, I overheard many times someone saying, "I have the best of both worlds," meaning that they had a good life at this time as an American in the best country of the world, and they also expected to go into the Kingdom of God, in their next life. This is pretty much the true underlying desire of all Christians.
Many Christians are being persecuted horribly in other nations around the globe, especially by the Muslim nations! Here in America, we are allowing the Muslims and their radical beliefs to run roughshod over all of our Christian teachings, just because of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion, but as Nonie Darwish states in her true memoir, the same courtesy and respect would NEVER be afforded to us (the Christians and Jews) if we were in THEIR countries!
So the Middle Eastern nations and the Muslims do have somewhat of a double standard, and that is putting it nicely! They come to the Western facilities for their medical care, if they can afford it, and then return to their countries to plan how to "do us dirty." They know that we will travel the high road, with our dealings with them, and that we will do our best to "play fair," but they themselves do not play fair! We have a Code of Honor that we use, even during a time of war, which they themselves do not feel that they have to observe! They are deceitful. They have been taught that being deceitful and lying is acceptable, when it comes to the Jews and the Christians, because the end justifies the means! In their belief, it is not exactly a sin, as long as they are furthering their own agenda, to win and take over the world, and have the Muslim religion all over the globe.
You can tell a lot about a country, by how they treat their women. When I was growing up, I had a very diabolical older brother who was out to get me. He expected me to just eventually give up and commit suicide. He even told me once that was what I should do. I was the scapegoat for the whole family. Everything got blamed on me! In the Middle Eastern countries, this would be perfectly appropriate, because they are never man enough to admit their own shortcomings. In their structured environment, everything gets blamed on the women!
However, I was in America, not the Middle East. I studied magazines, and realized that many women in other nations did not have any advantages whatsoever. I knew that I was in America, and that if I could just get to be a bit older, I could get a job and learn how to take care of myself. I was already selling GRIT newspapers door to door, in our little community, along with my younger brother. This was in the 1960s, and I would see magazine articles showing women during a famine in Africa, holding their starving babies. I would also see women in India, kissing the tail of a cow which they worship, while people were starving, but it was against their beliefs to use the beef for food. So after thinking about many ideas, I realized that with all the disadvantages, coming from a poor unfortunate welfare family that was becoming very negative towards me, there was still a chance to survive, if I played my cards right. None of this would have been possible in a Middle Eastern country.
Another point is that the Middle Eastern countries have devious governments, and many of their people live in poverty. Even in the oil-rich Arab nations, not everyone is rich. They discriminate against many of their own people, including their own young men, who then become willing to become "martyrs" because they have nothing else going for them. The Middle Eastern people are simply taught to hate the Israelis and to hate the Americans, because they are so jealous of our success in many areas. They really do want to "do us dirty" every chance they get. The moral to the story is, that Christ taught us to love our enemies, and to pray for those who despitefully use us and persecute us. This was actually how I myself survived a very diabolical family, and am still alive today, but it can also be used to survive much worse hardship, especially when it comes to a very evil enemy.
Once other statement: The Middle East is NOT going to win. No matter what happens with the war that is going on there now, their tactics are not going to work. Eventually, even the Europeans will begin to realize that it is going to take some tough measures against the Middle East, to make them realize that their form of government, their form of enslavement, and their form of tyranny, is not going to work in this world today.
We do have Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech in this nation, and we should speak a little bit more clearly about our own Christian beliefs. The Judao-Christian foundation has been the root cause of many good things in this world today. We cannot and must not give up.
It is just like an old saying where I come from down around Northern Texas, "If you give them an inch, they will take a mile!" This is already been doing in this country. For example, in early November, we went to the poles here in Oklahoma to vote, and one of our decisions was to vote against Sharia law in the State of Oklahoma. It was voted AGAINST!
Now a Muslim man has started a lawsuit, and there is an Oklahoma Judge who is taking his lawsuit into consideration, to allow Sharia law in Oklahoma. The Oklahoma citizens do NOT believe in Sharia law. It allows the men to have up to FOUR wives, all at the same time, and it allows them to abuse and kill their own wives, without any consequences. The problem of wife abuse and child abuse in their culture is not even discussed. They just assume that they have the right to do it, and that is all there is to it. Once again, you can tell a lot about a culture, by how they treat their women and children.
There is more for later, but Jesus Christ did teach that he is the right way to enter the Kingdom of God, through the door. Anyone who comes to God through the true doorway, is a true believer in God, a good and just God. However, anyone who tries to enter the Kingdom of God any other way is a liar and a thief, coming in through a window, instead of coming through the door. Just think about it for a minute. God is a merciful God, going all the way back many thousands of years ago, and he did not condone injustice, even though it has been done down through the ages. The Bible does state," Blessed are the merciful, for they will obtain mercy." I do not see this happening with much of the Muslim culture today. They are not going to win. God Himself will make sure that they do get taught a lesson.