Working In America
In many countries, being a hard worker is considered a sign that a person is "less than." Only in a nation like America, has it been proven that if you work hard, there can actually be a rewarding outcome, if you do not give up. Many of the Americans have worked so hard, for everything that they have, to the point where it is just expected of the Americans, to have our buses, trains and planes running on time, our taxis getting us to the airport on time, and all the employees who work for many different companies showing up on time, ready to do their jobs.
This country has existed now officially for a bit over 200 years. The first settlers began making a civilization in New England in the 1600s. So a person could either make the argument that our nation is about 400 years old, or only about 235 years old. Either way, this is a very young country, compared to many of the European nations, and to the ones in the Middle East. Our ancestors, however, have been on this planet for thousands of years, but they were not settled in this particular nation yet.
When the first arrivals from the different European countries began settling in America, they saw a really good opportunity, and they made the most of it. There were immigrants who were German, Polish, Irish, Italian, British and Scottish ancestry, French, and from many other national identities, also the African Americans, who saw an opportunity, and decided to make the most of it. The chance at freedom in this country was something that no other nation had, which could even begin to compare to what we had a chance for in this nation of ours.
As a result of this line of reasoning, many people went to work, and it was never easy, but it was worth it. Only in this country, could working so hard actually pay off for people, to the point where they could literally have a decent life, with some luxuries thrown in, for good measure. Children were able to get an education. This nation took off, economically, politically, and militarily, to the point where were rose to the top in comparison to the entire rest of the world. We have been admired and respected all over the globe, due to our ingenuity, our hard work, our drive and determination, our faith, and our principles of a free government. During the days of the 1950s right after World War Two, New York City was the most prosperous, the largest populated, and the most wonderful city in the world.
After all these years, there are many people all over the world who are now extremely envious of the USA, and of all the success that we have had as a nation, and they want to destroy us, take over the good society that we have, and infiltrate their own belief system into our society. They have not been able to be successful in their OWN nations, so they want to come and take over OURS.
The Muslims are one group who are desiring to take over each country that they live in, and to infiltrate with their own religious beliefs, so that they can take over the societies they move into, and make the whole world become Muslim. They have proceeded to do this in the European nations, and they are proceeding to do this in our country here in America. They have no tolerance of the Christians or the Jews,and in THEIR nations, the Christians and the Jewish people are not afforded the same Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech, that we allow them in our country. As a matter of fact, the Christians are starting to be persecuted now more than ever all around the globe, and especially in the Middle Eastern nations. Recently I have read that a person can be locked up in jail in Saudi Arabia for carrying a Bible in their country.
Today in Egypt, there was a terrible bombing just outside of a Christian church, as the Christians came out the door after having a worship service to welcome the New Year 2011. The Christians have been persecuted in Egypt for quite some time now, with attacks, bombings, murders, and discrimination from their unfair, hateful, unsympathetic and discriminating Muslim neighbors. The Muslims are so jealous of all the good that the Christians and the Jews are able to accomplish, with their religious beliefs, that they only way that they can compete with us, is to blow us to smithereens with bombs, or murder us in some other filthy, hateful way. They cannot win against us in any other way, except to destroy us with their perverted way of thinking, and their jealous and envious feelings towards us, for all the GOOD that WE have caused to come to pass, in this world. The governments of the Middle Eastern countries are as guilty as SIN, in allowing this to come to pass. They encourage the Muslim faith, and want to get rid of the Jews and the Christians.
The Muslims in the Middle East do not work as hard as we do in this country. They hire outsiders to come in and do the work for them. Their system of government has never been as successful as ours is, because we are a democracy and a Republic that has succeeded amazingly well over the centuries, based on the fact that we reward the people who are able to work and get their jobs done. The Muslims treat people who actually do the "work" like they are nothing but DIRT, and they enslave people. The men who have maid servants from other nations, actually have the right to rape their maids, without any consequences. Rape of their women servants, and murder of their own wives, is justified, because everything is always blamed on the women. They are the lowest form of people who could ever pretend to believe in a good and just God.
You can tell a lot about a country by how they treat their women. We are people in the eyes of God, TOO, and we are human beings who have the ability to do a lot of good in this world, and in our work, and in our own homes.
When you see women being treated like they are of less value than somebody's camel, that is how you will be able to determine what kind of people you are dealing with here.
In the meantime, let's pray that God will bless America with a Happy and Prosperous and Enlightening 2011.