Sunday, February 27, 2011

Our Predistination and Our Future

At this point, many of our young people today have no idea of our heritage, our history, our predestination, or our future. They are a bit lost, without a clue as to who they are, what their heritage has been, or what their future holds for them in the context of the "big picture" regarding what is going on in the world today. We have tried to take the word "God" off our money, out of our school systems, and out of the hearts of our young people today. Even so, many of them are still searching for an answer to life.

The fact is that our ancestry gives us the answer to who we are, and what our purpose is, in this world today. If we do not live up to that expectation, it will be forfeited to some other nation or group of nations to fulfill the role, and take over as the next World Superpower. The USA and the British Isles, as well as Canada and Australia, have led the world for quite some time now, and have shown the vast majority of the peoples in this world a better way to live. However, we are now at the crossroads, in the process of "selling our birthright" as it were, and forsaking the belief system which has put us at the top, thus far, on the world scene.

We have many enemies in this world today, who absolutely hate us and are extremely jealous of us, due to the fact that our systems of government have been very successful. Our forms of free government have provided an amazingly prosperous lifestyle for the people in our nations. The enemies are out to destroy us, if they can do so, and if we continue having the false sense of security that we are prone to have, this is not doing us any favors in our own self defense.

Who are we? Well, in the Bible, going all the way back to the book of Genesis, it identifies who are are today. Joseph was the father of two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Ephraim was the father of the people who are located in the British Isles and are The United Kingdom. Manasseh was the father of the people who have become the Americans. Canada and Australia also share the ancestry of the English-speaking peoples. In the book of Genesis, when Jacob (Israel) was getting old, he put the biggest part of his blessing on the two sons of Joseph, for the future. This did not exclude all the blessings which would go to all the other tribes of Israel, the ones predominantly in northwestern Europe at this time, but it named his name to be used to describe the offspring of the two sons of Joseph: Ephraim and Manasseh, who now compose the English-speaking nations of the British Isles, the USA, Canada and Australia at this time. Many individuals will not want to believe this, but the facts speak for themselves. No other nation or groups of nations, have been as completely blessed with prosperity, a free system of government, including freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, as the nations of the USA, Canada, Australia and the British Isles. All the promises have come true, which God had said he was going to carry out, regarding our nations, thus far.

Genesis 48: 14-21: "And Israel stretched out his right hand, and laid it upon Ephraim's head, who was the younger, and his left hand upon Manasseh's head, guiding his hands wittingly; for Manasseh was the firstborn. And he blessed Joseph, and said, God, before whom my fathers, Abraham and Isaac did walk, the God which fed me all my life long unto this day. The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth. And when Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand upon the head of Ephraim, it displeased him; and he held up his father's hand, to remove it from Ephraim's head unto Manasseh's head. And Joseph said until his father, Not so, my father; for this is the firstborn, put thy right hand upon his head. And his father refused, and said, I know it, my son, I know it; he also shall become a people, and he also shall be great; but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations. And he blessed them that day, saying, In thee shall Israel bless, saying, God make thee as Ephraim and Manasseh; and he set Ephraim before Manasseh. And Israel said unto Joseph, Behold I die, but God shall be with you, and bring you again unto the land of your fathers."

As a result of this, the predestination was set into play, which eventually led to the British (Ephraim) becoming the "company of nations" which they are to this day, and the USA (Manasseh) becoming one very great nation, in and of itself.

God had promised Abraham many years earlier that he would carry out this promise. In Genesis 22: 15-18, the Bible states: "And the angel of the Lord called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time. And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the Lord; for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son; That in blessing I will bless thee; and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies. And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; beause thou has obeyed my voice." This is not just referring to the Jewish people. It is also talking about us.

At this point, our people are all over the world. We can travel, go to other nations, and cause good events to occur, wherever we go. But what does it mean, posses the gate of our enemies? Well, we must take into consideration how we have been able to do that. To name just a few, our nations have had control of certain key areas in this world, places such as Hong Kong, the Rock of Gibraltar, the Panama Canal, and the Hawaiian islands. These ports have at some point or other been in the control of the English-speaking people. We have also caused blessings and benefits to go into many of the nations that we have traveled to, even including nations that we have gone to war with, as well as the nations that we have sent missionaries into.

There is not a nation on this planet, that has not in some way received some benefit from the United States, or the British Isles, even if it was in a roundabout way. All the nations of the world have been blessed, by the generosity of the people from the United States, the British Isles, Canada and Australia. Yet many of these same nations will turn right back around, and vote against us in the United Nations, every chance they get.

People in other countries look at us, and they see us with our blessings that we have in this nation, and how we flaunt our more comfortable circumstances. They see us with our microwave ovens, our refrigerators and ovens, our washers and dryers, and all the commercialism that takes place each Christmas, and they literally hate us because of all the blessings that God has bestowed upon us. When they see pictures of happy American families celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas, they are so envious of us and our good system of government that they want to destroy us. Instead of realizing that they too could have the blessings of God, they simply want to make sure we do not continue to have these blessings.

This is why I want to encourage the reader: Please be aware of the world scene. Do not just limit yourself to happily going about your everyday life, with all the advantages we have here in America today. "Just because you are paranoid, does not mean they are not out to get you." Do not forget where all your blessings have come from. Thank God for all that you have, but just remember, we have many enemies in this world today, who would like to take it all away from us. We are at a turning point in this country now, which will determine whether we keep our birthright, or whether it will possibly be lost in the future. There are other nations just waiting to take over the helm as the next World Superpower, with the Europeans leading the way to fulfill that future role. Do not let yourselves fall into a false sense of security. We have been blessed. However, we have failed to keep our thoughts on the teachings of God, which has kept us at the top ever since we won World War Two.

Now is the turning point, for where our nations will go from here, and whether we will continue to lead the world into a better way to live. Pay attention to the world scenario, and the international geopolitics as they continue to develop on a daily basis. Do not get too comfortable. Do not be complacent. Watch and Pray.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tia Tephi, Jewish Princess, and Queen of Ireland

When I was going to school with the Baby Boom Generation in the 1960s and 1970s, very few of us studied very much information, other than what was taught to us in the classroom, but there were a few of us who did learn to study some other subjects on our own. The generations of young people going back to right after World War Two have not been taught to think for themselves, and try to learn information on their own. Now with so much information available on the Internet, this can make a huge difference in our ability to gather extra information, about who we are, where we come from, and where are headed in the future. . .

The history of our ancestors actually goes back much farther than just when we came to the United States, Canada, Australia, and the British Isles. When the royal family of King David was attacked during the days of Zedekiah, during the Babylonian takeover of Jerusalem masterminded by Nebuchadnezzar, all of the royal family was killed -- well, almost all. . .

Of note, there was one little Jewish princess by the name of Tia Tephi, who was able to escape, due to help from an Old Prophet by the name of Jeremiah. While portraying himself to be her grandfather, Jeremiah escaped the fallen city of Jerusalem and took Tia Tephi to Egypt, where they then boarded a ship to head towards ancient Ireland. When Tia Tephi escaped from Jerusalem, she carried in her own person the blood line of the throne of King David with her.

Later in Ireland, a royal wedding was arranged between Herman, who was heir to the throne of Ireland, and Princess Tia Tephi, the princess from Jerusalem. They married, and she became the Queen of Ireland, and produced a family. The royal throne of King David at this point, had then successfully traveled from Jerusalem to Ireland. Later on, the royal throne of King David went to Scotland, and then on to England, where it remains to this day. Therefore, the royal family of England now carries on the blood line of the royal family of King David of Ancient Days.

King David had numerous sons and daughters, with numerous wives, so we are here only talking about the royal family itself. There were many offspring of King David who are alive and well in this world today, even though they do not sit on a throne. It is true, however, that many of the royal thrones in the European nations have the Jewish heritage in their background, even though this is not discussed.

In Ezekiel 21:26-27, the prophet discusses the royal crown of King David, and how it would be moved three times during the course of world history. Ezekiel states: "Thus saith the Lord God: Remove the diadem, and take off the crown; this shall not be the same; exalt him that is low, and abase him that his high. I will overturn, overturn, overturn it; and it shall be no more; until he come whose right it is; and I will give it to him."

The "overturn" phrase refers to when the throne of David moved, rolled over, or changed location from Jerusalem to Ireland, from Ireland to Scotland, and then from Scotland to England. It will not "overturn" again, until the throne of King David goes back to Jerusalem, after the Second Coming of Christ.

How can this be? Well, according to God's own words, he told David that his throne would last forever. David was a man after God's own heart, and even though he made mistakes in life, he always kept his faith in God.

So according to Jeremiah, God made the statement in Jeremiah 33: 14-15: "Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah. In those days, and at that time, will I cause the Branch of Righteousness to grow up unto David; and he shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land."

God went on to affirm what is possible for the royal family of David. In Jeremiah 33:17 it states: "For thus saith the Lord, David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel."

Now please try to understand, whenever it uses the phrase "man" in the Bible, it is referring to "mankind" -- both male and female. It is not always just the "men" who have the power here. That is where great evil-doing can come into play, by both the men AND the women, who are not trying to stick close to God's will. Many women believe that they are "off the hook" with their own sins and evil behavior, simply because they are not MEN. In the Judgment, the women will also be held accountable for their own sin and evil behavior.

This also shows that it is true that a woman could without a doubt sit on the royal throne, as obviously has been the case.

In Jeremiah 33:20-22, it goes on to state: "Thus saith the Lord; If ye can break my covenant of the day, and my covenant of the night, and that there should not be day and night in their season; Then may also my covenant be broken with David my servant, that he should not have a son to reign upon his throne; and with the Levites the priests, my ministers. As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured; so will I multiply the seed of David my servant, and the Levites that minister unto me."

The Levites, by the way, were the priest tribe, and wherever they go even in this day and age, in whatever work they do, even though many of them are no longer priests, they always rise to the very top of whatever business or industry they go into. Any time you see the name Lewis or Levi, or any similar name, they are the offspring of the priest tribe.

The point here is that our heritage goes back much farther than we give ourselves credit for. Not only the royal family is discussed here, because David had many offspring, and there are many offspring of all the ancient Israelites, especially those from the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, who are alive today. It is not just "the Jews" here that we are referring to, as they were only one tribe. When referring to the Jews, we generally refer to the Tribe of Judah, and also some of the Levites, but there were Ten Other Tribes of Israel, conveniently forgotten down through the ages.

I would like to encourage you to go to the web site of any search engine, and type in your family name. Look under your family name, and search for your "Coat of Arms" or your "Crest" and just see how far back your ancestors go, as far back as they have a record.

Your heritage will actually go back even farther than that, all the way to the days when Jacob had a family together with Rachel and Leah, and the two handmaidens, Bilhah and Zilpah.

All Twelve Tribes of Israel originally came from that first original family. For example, the Irish and the Danish originated out of the tribe of Dan, the offspring of Jacob and Bilhah. This would be my ancestry. This goes all the way back to the book of GENESIS!

So for all those other people in other countries who want to pretend like our nation is only 200 years old, I would just like to make the statement that our HERITAGE goes back for THOUSANDS OF YEARS! Please look up your own Family Coat of Arms, and see for yourself.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Profile of the Jewish Ideology

Why do I favor the Jewish people? Growing up, I had a mother who criticized and condemned the Jews as dirty and dishonest people, even as she committed horrible welfare fraud, and cursed and screamed and beat us children. (We were cursed by her, going back to the time when we were very young little toddlers.) She would accuse the Jews as being "dirty," while hundreds of cockroaches were crawling up and down the wall just behind her head, beside the door leading into the kitchen of our delapidated and filthy four-room shack where we lived in Hendrix, Oklahoma during the 1960s. I had already learned how much she lied on people, starting with condemning her own children, and then working outwards to anyone else who crossed her path. So when she started on the Jews, I told her off. By the time I got through with my own statement, she got up and gave me a whipping with a belt, but I did not even care. I had already said what I believed, and the whipping from her did not change my mind.

It was 1969 at that time, and I had been reading THE PLAIN TRUTH magazine by an organization in Pasadena, California, which explained the situation the Jewish people are in, especially in the small, brave little nation of Israel, which is surrounded by the Arabic nations that are so jealous and hate-filled, that they simply want to destroy the only Democracy in the Middle East. The hatred and the jealousy and the filthy-minded accusations against the Jews from the other Middle Eastern nations simply reminds me of the poisonous and nasty, foul-mouthed, hate-filled attitude that my own mother had against ME from as far back as I could remember.

My mother did not have any creativity or any positive plan in her mind, except to cause my downfall and death. In the same way, the Middle Eastern nations do not have any better ideas on how to create a good government, and lead their people in the right direction, so they simply place all their blame and accusations of evil onto the beautiful little nation of Israel. That is absolutely pure jealousy and hatred at the foundation of everything they do and say, in regards to Jewish people. They are so hate-filled and so angry, just foaming at the mouth like a dog that has rabies, in their wretched attitude towards the Jews who live in any nation.

They will use the nation of Israel as the beginning, as the scapegoat for their first assault, before they finally begin their attack on the United States, in full force. As people do realize, they refer to Israel as "The Little Satan," and the USA as "The Great Satan." After all, they have to blame all their problems on someone! The men in their countries always start with blaming everything on their women, and then branch out from there. It can never be their own fault, for the predicaments they are in. They can never admit that their own form of government is not working for their own people. So they have to blame the ones whom they see are actually being successful in the forms of government that really work. They rape their maids, kill their wives, discriminate against their own young men who are unemployed, and have such a double standard in their nations, in so many different ways, that it is impossible for us to comprehend, here in America.

Here in this country, I have been the victim of a double standard and of dishonesty and unrighteous judgment, but I have been able to move forward in my own life, by avoiding the people who are against me, and by continuing to work, and by staying focused on my own goals in life. This is something that required the first 40 years of my life, to learn. Now, at the age of 54, I have more wisdom to work with, than the younger generation of young women have, and so continue to move forward with my goals in life. However, in the Middle Eastern nations, none of this would have ever been possible. The condemnation would have been carried out by the double-standard hypocrites who live in THEIR countries; whereas, here in America, I just walk on by, and continue on my path for the goals that have been set for me, in my own mind.

As far as the Jewish tradition goes, they have the basis of The Ten Commandments. Then the British Common Law used those Ten Commandments as the foundation of their own legal system, which then also became the foundation for the laws here in the USA.

It was a fair system, developed and instituted in order to bring about a decent civilization for people who could live together in peace, and have the kind of government and life for the people which God had in mind, until He can finally set up the true Kingdom of God on this planet. There has been no other system of government set up, in the history of human civilization on this planet, which has worked as successfully as the governments which have based their laws on The Ten Commandments.

The Jewish legacy goes back for thousands of years, and even Jesus Christ himself was a Jew, and many of his followers were Jewish people, who then became "Jewish Christians" after his death and resurrection. The original disciples of Christ, who were Jewish Christians, kept all the major Jewish Holy Days, including Passover, and they did observe the Seventh Day Sabbath. Jesus Christ had brothers and sisters, who had children, so there is no doubt that there are descendants of the family of his earthly father Joseph and his mother Mary, who are now alive in this world today.

There has also been proven to be Jewish DNA in the African American people who are here in America, so they are not left out.

From the time that our ancestors first left Egypt, getting out of slavery, we left with a "mixed multitude," so there was intermarriage and an intermingling of the culture, with the peoples we had dealings with, during the time that we were slaves in Egypt.

The remainder of many of the Americans, as well as the people in Canada and Australia, and Britain, actually have descended from the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, who moved North and WEST throughout Europe, eventually settling in Western Europe, the British Isles, and then traveling to the United States, and Canada, and to Australia. We are saved by RACE, not just by GRACE. Also many of the European royal families are of Jewish ancestry, but this is something that is not discussed in polite society.

The point is, we are all in this together. Like a stack of dominoes, when one starts to fall, we are all going to fall. This is true what they say, "It is all inter-related." And this is why I do defend the Jewish people, because they are people just like us. They are not "monkeys" or some inferior race. No one is. All the humans on this planet are human beings. God created all of us, all races, all nationalities, to help to fulfill the true will of God, and if we do not do that, we have just wasted our trip, here on this planet.

So to quote a sentence from the book in the Bible about the Queen of Persia, Esther, who helped to save the Jewish people a few thousand years ago: "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" -- Esther 4:14, NIV.

I simply urge anyone reading to look at the "Big Picture." There was so much complacency and compromise going on, in the days just before Adolf Hilter came into power. Hindsight is 20/20, and it is easy to play Monday Morning Quarterback, but the people in this world need to start using their wisdom and insight, to be able to detect the evil that is building up in this world today, before it takes place. The Middle Eastern nations are NOT RIGHT in their hatred of the Jews and the Christians.

Begin by paying attention the international geopolitics, and please do not get all your information from the bleeding heart liberals who own the major news broadcasting networks. Use your head! Get on the Internet, and study for yourself, to find out what is going on in this world today. Pay attention to Europe, to the Middle East, to Japan, China, and Russia. Stay up to date on the financial markets, even those of other nations.

There is a prediction from years ago from Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong that there is going to be a financial collapse of all the industrialized nations, all over the world, at some point in the future, and that those nations who rise out of the ashes of that economic disaster are going to be the leaders in the future. Do not let this occur, while you blindly go about your own life, as if you had no idea. Start paying attention! Get your heads out of the sand, and off some of the silly ideas that you have had about the past, and start looking toward the FUTURE. Do it now.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Egyptian President Mubarak Resigns Today

Today, Egypt starts a new chapter. Whether it turns out to be hopeful and creative, or whether it turns out to be an even worse regime than the one they have had before, remains to be seen. According to the statistics, over 12,000 young Egyptian men have committed suicide over the last four years, due to poverty, unemployment, not being able to get an apartment, and not being able to even dream of getting married or having a family.

The Egyptians have been living in abject poverty for so long, that many of the people in the USA have had no idea how bad it really was. Many of their citizens are living in poverty. Even the ones who are considered to be well off, have still had to live under the injustice and the unfairness of the Muslim ideas, regarding civil rights.

The Christians and Jews are discriminated against over there in ways that would be a nightmare here in America. In this nation, when these different Middle Eastern nationalities come to our countries, they are afforded all the rights of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion HERE, which we would immediately be denied to have the right to, if we were in THEIR countries. To use the word "double standard" is a gross under-exaggeration of how bad it really is.

They come to this country and teach religious fanaticism with their fellow believers, even while they enjoy all the blessings and the advantages and the freedom that we have to offer in our free nation.

So I am truly hoping for a better life for the people in Egypt, but there is the realization that if the religious fanatics of the Muslim religion start to take over, all bets are off. Thus far, none of the Muslim nations have really been able to develop a good government for the peoples in their parts of the world. They criticize the USA and throw stones at the Israelis every chance they get, but I have noticed that they do not have any solution to the world's problems.

When it comes to that old theory, "Be part of the solution, not part of the problem" -- I have noticed that many of the Muslims are "part of the problem." I do not want to discriminate against anyone, and do not want to condemn people. God loves all of us.

However, this is something that the Muslim faith does not understand. Their idea of "Allah" flies in the face of the Good and Loving God that I have been taught to believe in, even when nobody else ever really liked me! On my worst day, when I knew nobody else in the world was ever going to be on my side, I still always knew that God loved me. (Me -- a female.) In the Muslim world, this is unheard of!

This is why I am beginning to detest their religious fanatical beliefs, their suicide bombers (who are really mass murderers) and their discrimination against women, whom they always blame for everything, because they are not man enough to admit that their own form of government and their form of religion does not work. So they have to resort to terrorism, because they lack any form of creativity.

All "destroyers" will have to stand before God in the Great White Throne Judgment, one step away from going into the Lake of Fire. So their ideas of "going to heaven" and having "70 virgins" is a fantasy that will never be realized.

In the meantime, let's just hope for the best, for Egypt, because they are going to need it. And let's stand behind Israel, which is the only DEMOCRACY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, surrounded by a bunch of low-life Middle Eastern countries that simply want to destroy them, if they get the chance to do it. May God Help Us ALL.